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Rezultaty od 1 do 19 z 549
7 years of Poland's presence in the European Union : implications for the Masovian region / ed. by Alojzy Z. Nowak, Marisz Szałański ; [transl. Wordlink Usługi Językowe]. Warszawa : Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarzadzania Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2011.
888 hints for home design = 888 tipps für ihr zuhause = 888 woonideeën / editor Daniela Santos Quartino ; photo José Luis Hausmann Barcelona : LOFT Publications, 2011.
A dictionary of the European Union / David Phinnemore, Lee McGowan. 5th ed. London and New York : Routledge, 2010.
A European vision for air passengers / Anna Konert. Warsaw : Lazarski University, 2014.
A short guide to customs risk / Catherine Truel. Farnham : Gower, 2010.
A study on food brand / Joanna Szwacka-Mokrzycka. Warszawa : Wydawnictwo SGGW, 2011.
Accelerating Global Supply Chains with IT-Innovation : ITAIDE Tools and Methods / Yao-Hua Tan, Niels Bjorn-Andersen, Stefan Klein, Boriana Rukanova Editors. Heidelberg ; Springer, 2010.
Accounting : teacher's book / John Taylor, Stephan Peltier. Newbury : Express Publishing, 2011.
Accounting : student's book. Book 1-3 / John Taylor, Stephen Peltier. Wyd. 1 - 7 dodr. Newbury : Express Publishing, 2020.
Accounting and finance : business English / Sara Helm. Harlow, Ess. : Pearson Education : 2010.
Accounting challenges in business processes / ed. by Marzena Strojek-Filus, Aleksandra Sulik-Górecka. Katowice : Publishing House of the University of Economics, 2019.
Active shooter : preparing for and responding to a growing threat / Kevin T. Doss, C. David Shepherd. Wyd. 1. Oxford : Butterworth-Heinemann, cop. 2015.
Adjustment of Polish economy to the EU requirements / ed. by Mirosława Klamut. Wrocław : Publishing House of Wrocław University of Economics, 2012.
Advanced information technologies for management - AITM 2011 : information systems in busines / ed. by Jerzy Korczak, Helena Dudycz, Mirosław Dyczkowski. Wrocław : Publishing House of Wrocław University of Economics, 2011.
Advanced issues in corporate finance / ed. by Monika Wieczorek-Kosmala ; [aut. Joanna Błach et al.]. Katowice : University of Economics Publ., 2013.
Afghanistan in transition : crafting a strategy for enduring stability / ed. by Beata Górka-Winter and Bartosz Wiśniewski. Warsaw : Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych, 2012.
Aircraft systems / Ján Pil'a, Jarosław Kozuba, Grzegorz Peruń. Gliwice : Wydawnictwo Politechniki Śląskiej, 2015.
American house styles : a concise guide / John Milnes Baker. Nowy Jork : The Countryman Press, 2018.
An estimation of the transmitted and amplified disruptions in contemporary supply chains / Artur Świerczek.. Gospodarka Materiałowa i Logistyka. 2012, 10, s. 19-25 1231-2037.